I try to balance work with some life… Here’s a smattering of what I get up to.

Skinning on Mt Rainier, with Mt. Adams chillin in the background. PC Sean Lahusen

Building a skin-on-frame canoe. The boat kind of looks like it would float in this picture.

Nordic skiing on man-made snow near Ann Arbor Michigan. Sometimes, you ski on whatever is available.

My first Birkie, and my second ski race ever!
Have we reached the backcountry yet? Glacier Peak Wilderness, WA. PC Todd Anderson

I’m usually happiest when I’m in glaciated landscapes. Here I’m goofing off with my sister Suzanne in Norway.
Learning how to ski with a heavy pack on the Inspiration Glacier, North Cascades, WA. PC David Lilien

A local favorite mountain bike trail in Southern Michigan

Finishing the Deception Pass 50k, Anacortes, WA, December 2018