Summer travels

Maybe most academics don’t take long vacations, but I am taking this summer off! The flexibility in postdoc-start-date allowed me to take a break after graduating from UW in June. So, what am I doing with my time?

I will mostly be in Copenhagen, Denmark, exploring Scandinavian craft beer, swimming in the canals, going for bike rides, and finishing manuscripts from my PhD work. I also plan to travel to Italy, Norway, Czechia, and Sweden. Then I’ll head back to North America for a backpacking trip in the Sierra and a sea kayaking trip in British Columbia before driving eastward to my new basecamp in Ann Arbor.

Did you know Steno was Danish?

Did you know Steno was Danish?

Endless bikes at the bike rack in central station, CPH.

Endless bikes at the bike rack in central station, CPH.

Not quite a craft beer...

Not quite a craft beer…
